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# 1 Kidney Dialysis for SW Missouri

Our facility provides outpatient DIALYSIS 3 days per week in CARTHAGE and NEOSHO, MO. We use the latest technology in our equipment and supplies. Currently, we have three shifts for HEMODIALYSIS on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Peritoneal Dialysis is offered Monday thru Friday at both facilties.
We believe our DIALYSIS staff is the best in the field of kidney disease in Southwest Missouri and they take pride in the “personalized” care they provide daily. Visitors from all over the United States always comment on how friendly and professional our nurses and techs are and that is why we have many return visitors year after year.

What You Need to Know
Before Choosing Dialysis
Our Staff: Outpatient dialysis is managed by Tammy Beaver RN and consists of RN's, LPN, PCT's and Biomed . Jenny our social worker and Janet our dietician are on site Mon/Wed/Fri and provide dietary snd financial support to our patients.
Tammy is PD Nurse Manager over 3 clinics: Heartland Kidney Center Carthage; Heartland Kidney & Dialysis Center Neosho; and Nevada Dialysis.
PD Nurse Manager over 3 clinics Heartland Kidney Center, Heartland Kidney and Dialysis Center, and Nevada Dialysis.